Sitting shotgun, the Giraffetasaur fingered the syringe in his pocket. It was full of cure. He cackled like a menace.
“The Giraffetasaur?” Joe glanced at that long-necked villain. The Giraffetasaur wasn’t paying any attention to Joe. He was just cackling and being rude. “I think I just realized something pretty surprising, but...”
The Giraffetasaur didn’t care to listen. All Joe ever thought about was surprises! The Giraffetasaur just wanted to find Brittany. She needed that cure, and he trusted Joe would bring him to her. So he kept cackling. But Joe was getting so annoyed and starting to feel really mean because he just needed to ask the Giraffetasaur an important question but the Giraffetasaur wouldn't listen.
So Joe slammed on the brakes, right in the middle of the road. The drivers behind him were slamming on their brakes too and honking, and the baby started crying so hard. Joe jumped out of the car, and other cars were whizzing by him, but Joe looked cool—like he had a plan—because he did have a plan and no one could stop him.
So Joe slammed on the brakes, right in the middle of the road. The drivers behind him were slamming on their brakes too and honking, and the baby started crying so hard. Joe jumped out of the car, and other cars were whizzing by him, but Joe looked cool—like he had a plan—because he did have a plan and no one could stop him.
He walked around to the Giraffetasaur’s passenger side door feeling mean. He yanked that Giraffetasaur from his seat and threw him to the pavement.
“Listen to me, you stupid animal!” He was breathing so heavy and spitting a little, and doing karate on the Giraffetasaur. “Listen to me!” Joe regained his composure. "Where did you and Brittany first meet?" The Giraffetasaur was so stunned he couldn't even answer! So Joe gave him a knuckle sandwich. "You told Brittany you'd meet her where the two of you first met. THINK!"
The Giraffetasaur thought. Joe's party? The casino? No... His eyes got wide, and he realized... the cruise ship... just before Joe told him:
"Don't you see... Surprise Joe was canceled.”
The Giraffetasaur thought. Joe's party? The casino? No... His eyes got wide, and he realized... the cruise ship... just before Joe told him:
"Don't you see... Surprise Joe was canceled.”
The Giraffetasaur stared up at Joe and the baby’s cry shuddered to a whimper. "But I was a writer!"
“No. All this time you were just characters in the most surprising ever serial mystery. But after bad ratings and a wacky plot about a time-warp cruise ship early in the second season, that show was canceled.”
“But if we're not on the show anymore, then…” Oh no, the Giraffetasaur thought. He did not want to say out loud what he was thinking, but he worried it wouldn't carry the same dramatic weight if he stayed silent: “…Brittany really might not make it to season four?”
Joe looked so serious. “We’ll see about that!” He did some more karate on the Giraffetasaur, grabbed the cure, back-flipped into his driver seat, and sped off. He couldn't help but start laughing when he showed the syringe to that baby. “We can save her, little baby!”
Everyone remembered season one when the Giraffetasaur had pricked that baby’s big head with a syringe. Except the big-headed baby remembered that syringe from somewhere else. And that’s when the baby realized something just a bit more surprising...
“What’s wrong, little baby?” Joe was laughing like a mad man now, and the baby was wailing and sobbing. “Don’t look so surprised.”