The baby watched the most beautiful nurse dress the Giraffetasaur’s wound. No one really could remember why the baby had shot the Giraffetasaur. In fact, neither could the baby. Probably because the writers had never given the baby a good reason. But then, babies rarely have good reasons for anything.
Except, that nonsense just made the baby feel cranky again. The story was getting too complex—the baby thought—and for what? Joe, Brittany, Brad, and the mean man had disappeared in a scientifically improbable burst of light and sound—and the writers never even explained where they went! The baby didn’t care about Surprise Joe anymore. In fact, the baby imagined—no one did.
And that’s when the most beautiful nurse realized the baby was pointing a gun at her.
“I am ending this nonsense right here." The baby was growling like the craziest baby. "Who are you?” The baby asked, looking irrational or like he needed a nap or some milk.
The most beautiful nurse was not surprised. She answered coolly: “They sent me to save the story.” The baby was confused. But the Giraffetasaur grinned. “Joe, the others,” she continued, “everyone is in trouble—“
“That’s right,” the Giraffetasaur cackled. “They’re gone forever, because I sent them into a Time Warp… And since Joe can’t get a plan, he’ll never be able to save them!” The Giraffetasaur laughed like a villain as he continued to summarize his evil plan: “From now on, I’ll be the one having surprises and getting plans!”
The most beautiful nurse shook her head with disapproval. “Joe couldn’t get a plan,” she explained, “so the mean man did.”
The Giraffetasaur’s jaw dropped. He would never... “Joe would never agree to a mean plan!”
The most beautiful nurse shook her head again. “He already has.” She turned toward the door. “Follow me to the Big Screen.”
So they followed her down a long hallway while she talked. “If Joe goes through with the mean man’s mean plan, all of this,“—she pointed to many important things—“will be gone forever.”
The most beautiful nurse stopped in front of an important looking door. “I can show you where Joe, Brittany, and the mean man are. Through this door...”
“What about Brad?” The baby was concerned. Brad had saved the baby’s life many times. More times than the baby even knew.
“We haven’t found Brad yet.” The most beautiful nurse looked concerned, but quickly changed the subject. “We have to stop the mean man from changing the past—and destroying the future.”
The baby was not surprised. What a dumb story. The baby was so annoyed at the vaguely-explained sci-fi turn. It was all just some stupid device to keep the story going—a way for some arrogant writers to feel important. And what did some nurse know about time travel, anyway?
The baby hadn’t looked this mad since the season one finale. And even though most babies can't shout, this baby was acting so grownup already holding a gun and looking for meaning in literature, and so this unreasonable baby started shouting at that most beautiful nurse. “Who do you work for?”
The most beautiful nurse smiled politely. What a lady. She opened the door, and motioned for the baby and the Giraffetasaur to follow. She seemed very calm but, most of all, beautiful when she answered. “I work for the writers, of course.”
Pretty much everyone was shocked. Inside, there was an enormous television monitor hanging on the wall. An image flickered on the screen. It was Joe, Brittany and the mean man. They were back in time. The Giraffetasaur recognized it right away.
It was the same boat where—nine months earlier—Brittany and Joe’s clone made the baby. The Giraffetasaur looked at the baby, and back to the screen. Oh no, the mean man is going to... The Giraffetasaur sighed when he realized what an awful mess he had created. It was so obvious from looking at his face, he hadn't expected this.
But the most beautiful nurse just looked at the Giraffeataur and smiled: "Don't look so surprised."
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