Surprise Joe

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Every Tuesday at 1:00pm, its the most surprising ever serial-mystery, Surprise Joe. Check out the newest episode directly below, or browse through the archives above to catch up.

I don't know Joe Rogan, but I do know somebody who had his picture taken with Joe Rogan once. If you want to learn real things about Joe Rogan, you should Google his name, and probably check out Wikipedia or his official website. Also, I don't know anything about dog staches except that they are cool. If you want your own dog stache, go to

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

1x07: Cry If I Want To

"Surprise!" Everybody was cheering and smiling because the mean man's surprise birthday party for Joe was such a success. They were not surprised. The mean man always threw great parties.

"This is so surprising!" Joe was so surprised. "Thank you all very much."

The mean man put his arm around Joe and smacked his villainous lips. "I'm sorry for the mean things I said earlier, but it was all part of this plan to really shock you." Joe could hardly believe it. "But,” he continued, “the biggest surprise has been right beneath your nose all along..." Joe looked at his dog stache, and then to... "That's right, we got you a puppy!"
"What a surprise!" Joe had always wanted a puppy. And he was so surprised that the puppy was wearing a dog stache. "Wow!" Everyone was a little surprised at how happy the gift had made Joe. There was smiling and laughter and tears of joy on everyone's face. It was very sweet. If they were pretty happy before, they were very happy now.

Except the baby. The baby was feeling blue. "This doesn't explain anything." The baby was crying. "Why is everyone else wearing a dog stache? There is nothing evil about a surprise party. It doesn’t make sense!" The baby was really annoyed by the plot holes and the lazy storytelling, but everyone was sure the baby just needed a fresh diaper.

"I'll change the baby." Joe's clone was being such a good dad. But the baby kept crying, and everyone realized the baby looked sick. That's when they heard a gun shot. Joe's clone slumped over. He was dying slowly and painfully.
 Wow, thought Joe. This is so surprising. The baby was getting angrier and angrier and he looked so mad. "We never found out what mean thing the mean man said to Joe. Or about the surprising aftereffects of Formula X. And why," the baby moaned, "did the Giraffetasaur stick me with that syringe?"

The mean man looked at the Giraffetasaur. He was so surprised. "That was not part of my plan!" The mean man was mad at the Giraffetasaur. Wow, thought Joe again. All of these surprises are making for the best birthday. He was a little sad that his clone was dying slowly, but it was surprising at least.

The Giraffetasaur laughed quietly and sort of suspiciously. "Don't listen to the baby. I don't even have a syringe! I will just change this diaper." He walked over to the baby.
But then the baby pointed his gun at the Giraffetasaur. “I want answers.” And the baby was shaking and crying a little and everyone else in the room was very scared because the baby hadn't even developed a reliable sense of rationality. Everyone wished the baby would be reasonable, but the baby was too young.

"Joe! You're the only one who can save my true love!" Brittany was weeping openly and everybody thought she meant her baby except really she loved the Giraffetasaur. But Joe was already feeling the aftereffects of Formula X and he thought it was giving him a plan. He whispered something in Brad's ear and Brad whispered it to the mean man and the mean man whispered to Brittany. The message got really messed up in the process, but everyone was shocked anyway.

Joe just laughed. With a gentle wink and a healthy smile he told them all: "don't look so surprised."

Thanks to Brittany, Casey, Mike and Lisa. Special thanks to Brad for having his picture taken with Joe Rogan.

Will the baby kill again? Will Brittany's love for the Giraffetasaur get her into trouble with Joe? Will Brad get caught in another cage? Will the mean man stop being so mean?

Yes to all! Next season on the most surprising ever serial-mystery, Surprise Joe!